The month of Elul is to a Jew, like writing is to our heart. It cleanses us, gets rid of our excess pain, and presents us with a new beginning.
Elul is the time when we introspect and reflect. Writing helps us do that, too. Elul is the time to connect to our inner selves. And what connects us more than writing?
Therapeutic writing allows us access to our inner world, with exercises that enable us to grow, understand ourselves, and change our lives for the better.
Write Your Way Home has created a unique platform to transform your growth this elul.
Card Deck
Turn Your Life Around! 60 large size, full-colored cards, inspiring you to return to your greatness in a few minutes a day. Access your inner word with therapeutic writing cards. Torah sources and journaling prompts help you dig deep to understand your essence and change your life for the better.
Perfect for Elul and for every other day of the year!
Write Your Way
Through Elul
Write with inspirational prompts for each day in Elul. Discover the greatness of yourself and your soul. Transform your month with Torah wisdom and powerful writing prompts.
Return to the person you really are.
Write Your Way Home
The premiere Jewish therapeutic writing guide with hundreds of Torah sources and clear writing instructions on over 70 topics. Working your way through this book will change your life!
Does Teshuva feel overwhelming to you? Does it seem like a project you don't want to tackle because it's just too big?
Join our powerful Teshuva Masterclass and learn how you can do teshuva in a most pleasant, uncomplicated and empowering way - right this minute!
The incredible masterclass has already taken place but you can receive a recording by signing up below.
Complete Elul Course
Join growth-minded women from around the world in an animated, connecting and uplifting workshop.
Join our live international zoom course or join our in-person three week Elul course in Har Nof and transform your Elul in a most powerful way.
All online classes are recorded and can be viewed at any time.
Connect with growing women for a weekly parsha email, monthly Rosh Chodesh class, and many membership perks.
Learn more about WRITE YOUR WAY HOME
Check out our website to read many articles about therapeutic writing and to learn about all our exciting programs. Join our email list to be entitled to free classes and many uplifting projects that we share with our community.